It’s hard to believe the year is over! I began this blog in April, and began writing for it in earnest in May, and eight short months later here we are. While it’s only a partial year, I know many of you joined me partway through and may not have seen or read all of […]
Read the full article...Author Archives: Brian Rigby, MS, CISSN
Need Calcium? Dairy Isn’t Your Only Option
Most climbers get more than adequate amounts of most vitamins and minerals because most vitamins and minerals are amply supplied by even less-than-healthy diets. Even when there is a higher prevalence of deficiency for a particular vitamin or mineral, it’s always specific to a single group—such as vitamin B12 deficiency in the elderly, or iron deficiency in […]
Read the full article...Reader Questions #3
Here’s the third round of reader questions. This month we’ll be covering coffee, protein timing, and intermittent fasting. As a quick reminder, I’m always happy to take reader questions. Regardless of whether I answer your question publically for the community, I always reply in person as well. I fully encourage asking questions as well because […]
Read the full article...Holidays vs. Habits
It’s around the time of year where dietary indulgence becomes more of a rule and less of an exception. Beyond just the typical holiday smorgasbord, we often have friends or family in town, and they often bring their own dietary habits and influences that can bleed over into your own life. As a result, it may […]
Read the full article...4 Things That Won’t Help Your Tendons and 4 Things That Might
After I finished writing my glucosamine and chondroitin supplement guide and follow-up executive overview, I realized that what I had written could be disheartening. I don’t want to be solely the bearer of bad news, and I’ve also experienced firsthand how presenting only the negatives can fail to inspire change. Since one of the foremost goals […]
Read the full article...How Risky Is Eating Bacon?
In the future, I’m going to try to address news items like this on the Climbing Nutrition Facebook page as they happen in real time! But I obviously didn’t manage to do that last week so I’m going to write a post about it today instead because it’s still worth addressing. The bit of nutrition news […]
Read the full article...Why Don’t Glucosamine and Chondroitin Work for Climbers?
Last week I published the official supplement guide for glucosamine and chondroitin, but I also wanted to write a second, more reader-friendly executive summary (and alternate analysis) for these guides so you don’t have to go through the entire 2,000 word (or longer) document to get why I made such-and-such a recommendation. So this week, I’m going […]
Read the full article...Glucosamine & Chondroitin Supplement Guide
Facts at a Glance Glucosamine and chondroitin are touted as joint health supplements, but appear to only be effective in treating the specific form of joint damage common to osteoarthritis (cartilage degeneration)—and even there, the science is less than decided. The type of joint damage common to climbers cannot be repaired or prevented by glucosamine […]
Read the full article...Do Climbers Need Extra Vitamins and Minerals?
There is a surprisingly common notion in the world of sport that athletes have higher requirements for certain vitamins and minerals. At some point, someone even dreamed up a “performance daily intake” (or PDI), which is meant to replace the RDA for active individuals. To cut to the chase, this idea is 99% false (and […]
Read the full article...A Glimpse at My Diet
I’m busy compiling and reviewing sources for a new supplement guide on glucosamine and chondroitin right now, so this week’s post will be less intense than normal. Instead of addressing a specific topic in the world of climbing nutrition, I’m going to discuss the food I brought along with me for a few of my recent […]
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