Most people think they understand their protein needs pretty well—just get as much as you can, right? Or maybe you’re in the camp that thinks “I’m a climber, not a bodybuilder, so I really don’t need much at all. I mean, the forearms are tiny little muscles, right? It doesn’t take much to maintain them…” […]
Read the full article...Author Archives: Brian Rigby, MS, CISSN
Remember Climbers: You Are Athletes
When I see clients for sports nutrition, nine out of ten of them begin by saying, “I eat really healthy.” And usually this is true—I don’t think I’ve ever seen a client whose diet is abysmal. But there’s a question hidden in there that most people don’t think to ask, which is this: Healthy for whom? Many people […]
Read the full article...Make Your Own Sports Drink
I very rarely buy sports drinks—actually, to be honest, I can’t remember the last time. Not only are they incredibly expensive (at about $1 per “serving” and three “servings” per hour it adds up fast), they’re also not superior to anything you can’t easily make at home. In fact, you can actually make something better—at least so far […]
Read the full article...Sports Drink Reviews
This is a continually updated post. If there is a sports drink not covered here yet, it probably will be in time. You’re more than welcome to email me requests, I’m happy to oblige. READ FIRST! These reviews are based on my own expert knowledge of sports nutrition; I do not receive compensation in any […]
Read the full article...Sports Drink Anatomy
I started a different version of this post, but it started getting way too complicated because there’s actually a lot of thought that goes into an effective sports drink. It sounds weird, I know, because they basically amount to little more than slightly salty sugar water—but there are hidden “rules” that must be adhered to […]
Read the full article...Bon Appetit Interviews Alex Honnold
Bon Appetit just interviewed Alex Honnold, which is pretty awesome. It’s only so often you get a look at the diet of one of the world’s best climbers. Still, there’s one thing Alex said that bugged me…
Read the full article...Citrulline Malate Supplement Guide
Citrulline malate may be the next big “nitric oxide booster”. For now, at least small amounts of research back the supplement as a means to improve aerobic energy metabolism, help prevent the pump, and increase endurance.
Read the full article...Not Sure Where to Start? Begin Here!
If you’re new to the idea of sports nutrition—tweaking your diet in order to improve sports performance—then the following articles are a great place to start. While nearly everything on this site is written to help you improve your diet and climbing, these articles offer direct advice on some basic topics such as protein intake, carbohydrates […]
Read the full article...In-Depth Supplement Guides
There are a plethora of supplements out there. Some of them are worth taking; many are not. At Climbing Nutrition, we thoroughly review the evidence backing supplements, not just in general but as it specifically pertains to rock climbing! The results of our research are the following in-depth supplement guides, designed to help you—a climber—make the […]
Read the full article...ClimbSci
ClimbSci is a monthly podcast with Brian Rigby, MS, CISSN (writer of this very site!) and Tom Herbert, CPT, CISSN ( in which we discuss the scientific aspects of climbing performance. You can subscribe to our podcast here: Video: YouTube Audio: iTunes/SoundCloud/RSS You can also find Episode Guides with synopses, contents, and references at […]
Read the full article...