ClimbSci Episode 11: Weight Loss

by Brian Rigby, MS, CISSN

4 Replies

ClimbSci Weight Loss

ClimbSci Episode 11: Weight Loss

Losing weight is hard, but with the right strategies—and the right attitude—it can be a little easier. In Episode 11 of ClimbSci, Tom and I discuss setup for a weight loss diet, practical strategies, and maintaining performance to the greatest extent possible.

Warning: The above video is unedited, and at one point I (Brian) lose internet so there is a gap of a few minutes!


  1. Anonymous

    Me and my friends think both episodes about science behind weight, and practical steps to take/maintenance/etc would be interesting

  2. Andrew L

    Hi guys!

    Episode 11 on fat loss really spoke to me. While I had many takeaways, the one that struck me was near the end about weight gain being a symptom of an unhealthy relationship with food. This describes me to a T, but I’m not sure how to address it. I’ve brought it up in therapy, but my therapist isn’t a nutritionist/dietician/sports medicine/etc, and doesn’t have much advice to offer. Any tips?

  3. Brian Rigby, MS, CISSN Post author

    Hi Andrew, it’s definitely tough, and also very individual, so I don’t know how much advice I can give in the form of a comment but I’ll try! Food plays so many roles for us—it’s a social thing, it’s fuel, it’s comfort, and more—and improving our relationship with food is, in a way, learning to appreciate all those different roles and not letting any of them take on exaggerated importance. In this way, it’s important to explore your feelings about food and the behaviors different foods or settings trigger in you, and then work on taking a step back and trying to approach the same issue from a knowledgeable and rational point of view. It’s challenging at first, but any behavior change is (and often for the exact same broad reason!). Send me an email if you’d like and I can try to help out more, and I’ll share it with Tom also since he doesn’t often check the comments on these pages. Thanks for the question!

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