ClimbSci Episode 12: Listener Q&A #2

by Brian Rigby, MS, CISSN

6 Replies

ClimbSci Reader Questions

ClimbSci Episode 12: Listener Q&A #2

I know! It’s been almost an entire year since the last episode of ClimbSci! But, this new episode (another listener Q&A session) is almost four hours long, so hopefully Tom and I have made up for our absence at least partially.

The topics we cover are extensive, but run the gamut from protein and collagen to creatine, recovery, and uncommon supplements. Links to the sound and video are up below, but you can also find us on any podcast app you prefer to use.

We haven’t scheduled another episode yet, but hopefully we can get one in before next year! We’re looking to do another focused episode, so while we aren’t looking specifically for questions, we’d still love to hear about any topics you’re interested in because maybe it’d be a great one to explore in-depth. Leave a comment below, drop us a line on Facebook, or you can always send an email to me via the About page.


  1. Julie Pearson

    Love the podcasts! When’s the next one! 😊 every time I think I’m starting to get a handle on nutrition I hear something that sends my head spinning again. I’ve been listening to everything you’ve said about protein and I’ve upped it massively but I’ve just watched “Horizon: Eat, fast, live longer” which talks about needing to eat less protein and less food to reduce igf1 to reduce risks of cancer and heart disease. My head is spinning

  2. Brian Rigby, MS, CISSN Post author

    Glad to hear you enjoy the podcasts! Not sure when the next will be, but hopefully before the end of the year. The IGF1/protein/cancer debate is an interesting topic and can’t really be summarized in a comment, but one thing we can say is that there are risks both ways and that the cancer risk is highest only in a specific age frame (around 45 – 60 years old); after that, the benefits clearly outweigh the risks. Protein source is also an important factor, and of course diet in general. In the end, protein is just… complicated. But, we’re constantly learning more, and we’ll keep trying to stay as up-to-date on what you should know both in ClimbSci and on this site!

  3. Julie Pearson

    Thanks for answering Brian. I am unfortunately in that age bracket so I guess some more digging is required 🤔

  4. Thomas Wiest

    Hey Brian,
    I just recently started listening to your podcast and I absolutely love it.
    Therefore I haven’t already listend to all of your episodes and this questions might be Superfluous:

    In on of the recovery Episodes 06 or 07 (Summer 2018) you talked about how antioxidants do help to recover faster but with the tradeoff of having less trainingeffect. You also mentioned that that there are n clues on why a massage should be bad for the training effect. (But I guess things might have changed. Since everyone can now have unlimited massages every day. Before money was the limiting factor)
    This quoted I have a percussion massage device (theragun) and I absolutely love it.
    I also have the feeling that it boosts my regeneration.
    So the questions are:
    – Is there any data that percussion massage boost recovery?
    – Is there any data that percussion massage is bad for the training effect (similar to antioxidants)?

    Thank you for this great resource of climbing related knowledge!

  5. Brian Rigby, MS, CISSN Post author

    Hey Thomas,

    I did a quick search and couldn’t find any articles specifically targeting percussion massage, which isn’t too surprising since “massage and sports recovery” as a broad topic is already quite understudied and so increasing the specificity of the type of massage makes it even less likely to have been adequately studied! With this in mind, I would probably consider percussion massage as mostly equivalent to any other form of massage—it’s likely not going to have a clinically significant effect, but if it feels good and helps you relax then it might be worth it for you at least. Thanks for the question!

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