ClimbSci Episode 5: Best Supplements

by Brian Rigby, MS, CISSN

4 Replies

ClimbSci Supplements

ClimbSci Episode 5: Best Supplements

Hey Everyone!

Here’s the new episode, on the best supplements for climbing. The notes for the episode can be found on the ClimbSci website.

As announced last month (and subsequently failed, har :\ ), Tom and I are going to be releasing one episode every month from here on out. Each episode will be scheduled for the final Friday of the month, so keep your calendars marked for the next episode—May 25th!

Also, we want to answer your questions! At the beginning of each new episode, Tom and I will answer questions you had about the prior episode—for the next episode, that means questions about Episode 5 (AKA the one linked to here). We didn’t get any questions about Episode 4, and hence there was no Q&A segment in Episode 5, but we would love for that to not be the case going forward, so post any questions you have down below. If we don’t answer it on air, we’ll give an answer in written form here.

Without further preamble, here is the episode and related links:




  1. Will

    Hey guys! Cool discussion. Is there any chance of a single paragraph summary that you could put in the comments? I want to share the summary with other climbers/training partners.

  2. Brian Rigby, MS, CISSN Post author

    Absolutely! It’ll have to wait about a week, though—I’m at a sports nutrition conference and I didn’t bring my computer, so writing even a paragraph is challenging! I will write one up before the end next week.

  3. Fred

    Hi, I just listened to this podcast and I had question about creatine. I tried a few times using it and every time I would get really tight forearms for 24h-48h after the first day even causing pain at my elbow tendon. I never tried going more than 2 days due to this side effects. Have you seen this with other people? Could it be due to dehydration ?


  4. Brian Rigby, MS, CISSN Post author

    I haven’t heard of that specific side effect before; it could be water-related, but it’s hard to say for sure. You could try doing a slow-load by only taking the normal “maintenance” dose of about 5 grams—it takes longer to get to full load (about a month), but it could provided the time your muscles and tendons need to adjust, as well. Hope that helps!

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