Hey Everyone!
If you’ve been following ClimbSci, you know that Tom and I have finished our over-ambitious triptych start to the webcast with our episodes onĀ Protein, Carbohydrates, and Fat. That means we’re ready to move onto new, different, and (hopefully) more compact topics—and we’d love to get some feedback from you about what you want to hear us discuss!
Previously, we have solicited questions on a specific topic to answer during that episode, and this isn’t much different. Essentially, we want to know what you’re curious about. Is there some topic you’d like us to dive into? Do you feel like there’s confusion surrounding some nutritional choice you’re making that you’d like clarified? Fill us in!
If you have a question or topic, just leave it in the comments below. Nothing is too simple or complex, we just want to know what you guys are into.
I have heard of a theory about how dieting slows down one’s metabolism. Is that true? If it is true, and someone is in that situation, how does they come back to normal metabolism?
Great to hear ClimbSci is continuing.
I would be interested to hear more about recovery. Potentially a big subject I imagine but I’d like to understand more about the science. What is actually recovering? Is it more muscle tissue, energy systems, the nervous system or something else? How do these systems recover (biochemistry?), how long does it take, and what can climbers do to accelerate the process?
Hi Brian,
I can supply you with few specific questions. Probably too specific, so just take it as an inspiration.
1) What to eat after climbing session… at midnight. A classic problem – you start climbing after work at 7, finish at 11, home at 12 pm. You now have an hour to digest some late dinner before going to bed. Now its not just nutritional problem of after-workout meal, but also balance between not going to bed with full stomach and not throwing anabolic window.. out of the window.
Side questions to previous one:
– “anabolic window” after climbing session, is it a thing?
– so called “night protein powders”. Any merit behind them?
2) Superfoods. Adam Ondra is even mentioning them before proteins, when asked about his diet. General thoughts? They are considered to be good source of fat, but how about being a good source of protein?
3) Climbing and running interaction. It is great for your climbing training to be climbing a lot and running (or doing any other cardio) time to time, perhaps at restdays, lets say two times a week. But when you start running more seriously, perhaps training for a Marathon, various problems occur. Obviously, you have less energy for climbing, if you spend it on running, but even if you add calories, you face macro-nutrition-problems.
Even in long climbing sessions, carbs seems to work well. You climb for 10 minutes, then belay and rest for 20 and during that time, you gather good portion of some explosive-power back. But during 3+ hour long run, most of your energy will eventually be gathered from fats. Diet for long-distance runners is obviously different from boulderers. I dont have more specific question, I just find this topic interesting.
4) “Proteins are processed better/worse when combined with carbs/fats/..unicorns..” myth. I have heard various versions of this statement. I know you touch this topic time to time, maby do a quick roundup?
5) Vegetable as a source of carbs. Well, there is probably no question that cucumber is good source of water and you wont get “sugar rush” after eating bunch, but aside water, rest is mainly carbohydrates, right? Slow source of carbs – can we look at vegetable this way?
6) Effect of diet on skin. And I dont mean “oh, you look so beautiful this morning my darling” skin, I mean “oh, my body must be creating like a half a kilo of skin-tissue on my fingertips every week” skin.
Hope I helped a little.
Thanks Brian and good luck!